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पंजाब होली बंपर लॉटरी के परिणाम
पंजाब में 2020 होली बंपर लॉटरी 29 फरवरी को लुधियाना में आयोजित हुई थी। ड्रॉ मूल रूप से 12 मार्च 2020 को होने वाला था, लेकिन पंजाब राज्य के लॉटरी निदेशक द्वारा इसे 29 फरवरी को कर दिया गया था। 2020 ड्रॉ की 20 लाख टिकट बिकी थीं, टिकट दो सीरीज में थीं, लेबल ए और बी और 00000 से 99999 के बीच के नंबर। दोनों सीरीज के टिकट नंबर के लिए शीर्ष पुरस्कार 1.50 करोड़ का होगा।
2021 होली बंपर लॉटरी ड्रॉ अभी नहीं निकाला गया है। हालाँकि, कई अन्य पंजाब लॉटरी और बंपर ड्रॉ की बिक्री अभी भी की जा रही है।

क्या आप जानते हैं कि आप अपने देश से Powerballऑनलाइन खेल सकते हैं? बस नीचे दिए गए बटन पर क्लिक करें!
पंजाब होली बंपर लॉटरी के परिणाम - 2024
इस होली बंपर लॉटरी का ड्रॉ 30 मार्च 2024 को आयोजित किया गया था, इसके नंबर लुधियाना स्थित कैंप कार्यालय में निकाले गए थे। यह पंजाब राज्य के सभी बंपर ड्रॉ की तरह ही था।
रैंक | टिकट नंबर | बैसाखी इनाम की राशि |
1 पुरस्कार | 638007 | ₹2.5 करोड़ |
2 पुरस्कार | 444559, 450025, 629704, 637889, 655695, 777124, 838173, 910213, 984002, 990857 | ₹10 लाख |
3 पुरस्कार | 635180, 640050, 647593, 659858, 773816, 875381, 882068, 922659, 962243, 987156 | ₹5 लाख |
4 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0693, 4062, 5389, 5429, 5954, 6075, 8132, 8152, 9064, 9374 | ₹9,000/- |
5 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0336, 0439, 2566, 3670, 4407, 4626, 7598, 8921, 9444, 9931 | ₹6,000/- |
6 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0000, 0128, 0140, 0150, 0179, 0293, 0354, 0432, 0478, 0509, 0531, 0570, 0599, 0608, 0627, 0652, 0690, 0694, 0831, 0872, 0889, 0920, 0991, 1086, 1144, 1157, 1158, 1206, 1243, 1244, 1253, 1379, 1600, 1606, 1698, 1707, 1807, 1857, 1976, 2010, 2031, 2093, 2120, 2147, 2182, 2207, 2536, 2560, 2565, 2629, 2668, 2676, 2724, 2766, 2769, 2776, 2792, 2797, 2833, 2838, 2894, 2917, 2960, 2962, 3096, 3142, 3175, 3180, 3240, 3335, 3378, 3465, 3517, 3519, 3549, 3590, 3626, 3672, 3740, 3792, 4022, 4023, 4030, 4042, 4111, 4127, 4150, 4236, 4250, 4267, 4271, 4398, 4434, 4446, 4453, 4624, 4792, 4877, 4949, 5001, 5035, 5059, 5132, 5136, 5170, 5212, 5227, 5237, 5274, 5387, 5427, 5448, 5466, 5581, 5649, 5706, 5896, 6074, 6133, 6247, 6255, 6340, 6341, 6375, 6420, 6432, 6503, 6541, 6667, 6712, 6805, 6838, 6845, 6916, 6954, 6956, 7118, 7139, 7142, 7149, 7158, 7163, 7189, 7367, 7434, 7460, 7471, 7534, 7577, 7617, 7626, 7859, 7888, 7915, 7972, 8039, 8048, 8086, 8098, 8269, 8409, 8448, 8496, 8499, 8511, 8603, 8651, 8704, 8764, 8847, 8873, 8898, 8919, 8931, 8948, 9003, 9045, 9078, 9135, 9158, 9258, 9361, 9457, 9495, 9508, 9519, 9580, 9612, 9653, 9700, 9801, 9822, 9825, 9848, 9855, 9863, 9898, 9965, 9975, 9990 | ₹2,000/- |
रैंक | टिकट नंबर | बैसाखी इनाम की राशि |
1 पुरस्कार | B 951278 | ₹2 करोड़ |
2 पुरस्कार | 58953 | ₹5 लाख |
3 पुरस्कार | 2744, 3447, 4426, 4688, 6190, 7061, 7621, 8852, 9776, 9828 | ₹10,000/- |
4 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0351, 0628, 1201, 1226, 2893, 3507, 3516, 5167, 5364, 5421, 6178, 6193, 6523, 6902, 7020, 7732, 7752, 7832, 9363, 9690 | ₹7,000/- |
5 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0226, 0341, 1061, 1065, 1434, 1870, 2882, 2936, 3528, 3942, 4320, 4441, 4546, 5240, 5285, 5594, 5976, 6205, 6920, 7041, 7280, 7320, 7490, 8033, 8140, 8709, 9587, 9683, 9920, 9933 | ₹5,000/- |
6 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0007, 0024, 0069, 0071, 0087, 0145, 0147, 0156, 0179, 0203, 0325, 0337, 0401, 0429, 0506, 0617, 0631, 0703, 0778, 0839, 0911, 0990, 1037, 1063, 1146, 1248, 1275, 1287, 1294, 1313, 1440, 1737, 1791, 1797, 1818, 1825, 1830, 1845, 1918, 1920, 1955, 1963, 1976, 2015, 2093, 2209, 2215, 2225, 2258, 2292, 2377, 2378, 2488, 2568, 2604, 2680, 2702, 2704, 2836, 2860, 2867, 2889, 2908, 2924, 2975, 3021, 3148, 3182, 3228, 3232, 3265, 3270, 3274, 3325, 3344, 3402, 3421, 3454, 3546, 3658, 3703, 3727, 3748, 3751, 3841, 3898, 3960, 4005, 4008, 4044, 4064, 4108, 4142, 4183, 4203, 4407, 4414, 4481, 4540, 4591, 4640, 4670, 4739, 5038, 5052, 5079, 5182, 5286, 5287, 5310, 5343, 5379, 5591, 5611, 5617, 5801, 5806, 5831, 5838, 5903, 5974, 5977, 6000, 6010, 6053, 6069, 6322, 6364, 6420, 6439, 6478, 6593, 6600, 6624, 6649, 6688, 6705, 6798, 6854, 6880, 6959, 6975, 7185, 7251, 7264, 7266, 7313, 7412, 7416, 7429, 7535, 7566, 7625, 7639, 7665, 7708, 7720, 7758, 7799, 7818, 8120, 8124, 8135, 8189, 8245, 8293, 8420, 8451, 8531, 8726, 8729, 8740, 8779, 8856, 8909, 8928, 8933, 8937, 9023, 9073, 9086, 9145, 9204, 9300, 9381, 9386, 9427, 9439, 9473, 9486, 9488, 9494, 9500, 9504, 9581, 9653, 9723, 9766, 9890, 9922 | ₹3,000/- |
रैंक | टिकट नंबर | बैसाखी इनाम की राशि |
1 पुरस्कार | A 664223, B 962490 | ₹1.5 करोड़ |
2 पुरस्कार | A 186221, A 426136, A 811177, B 507199, B 662816 | ₹10 लाख |
3 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 079518, 127728, 138467, 210929, 223195, 246877, 247162, 576311, 829420, 874222 | ₹2.5 लाख |
4 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 77219, 92280 | ₹50,000/- |
5 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 56412, 66216 | ₹20,000/- |
6 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 05941, 17209, 41583, 61179, 66449, 70363, 77499, 81094, 82153, 87814 | ₹5,000/- |
7 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0429, 0733, 1560, 2145, 3970, 3983, 4299, 5154, 5351, 5504, 5924, 5947, 6883, 7007, 7040, 7356, 7407, 8147, 9567, 9930 | ₹1,000/- |
8 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0014, 0027, 0057, 0061, 0068, 0071, 0082, 0097, 0105, 0106, 0107, 0120, 0200, 0216, 0301, 0318, 0324, 0360, 0445, 0473, 0506, 0527, 0537, 0557, 0559, 0579, 0588, 0601, 0626, 0628, 0654, 0659, 0668, 0672, 0716, 0727, 0764, 0779, 0810, 0811, 0894, 0921, 0938, 0982, 0995, 0998, 1007, 1027, 1047, 1057, 1060, 1074, 1087, 1107, 1117, 1122, 1124, 1135, 1143, 1179, 1188, 1201, 1215, 1218, 1221, 1253, 1289, 1297, 1298, 1318, 1330, 1357, 1362, 1372, 1377, 1401, 1422, 1432, 1433, 1465, 1488, 1502, 1524, 1525, 1528, 1542, 1547, 1568, 1573, 1595, 1633, 1640, 1653, 1655, 1668, 1690, 1702, 1710, 1767, 1827, 1834, 1849, 1850, 1853, 1878, 1928, 1961, 1988, 2014, 2045, 2071, 2100, 2103, 2152, 2153, 2197, 2219, 2233, 2262, 2265, 2300, 2301, 2380, 2400, 2412, 2416, 2428, 2433, 2434, 2458, 2472, 2473, 2480, 2504, 2514, 2575, 2594, 2603, 2624, 2666, 2680, 2707, 2740, 2774, 2775, 2813, 2826, 2853, 2865, 2875, 2903, 2911, 2973, 2997, 3001, 3008, 3039, 3047, 3067, 3078, 3083, 3090, 3091, 3111, 3128, 3130, 3131, 3137, 3138, 3160, 3169, 3192, 3199, 3201, 3205, 3226, 3238, 3246, 3273, 3285, 3324, 3340, 3341, 3372, 3381, 3398, 3406, 3410, 3426, 3440, 3469, 3507, 3509, 3513, 3541, 3601, 3650, 3654, 3656, 3681, 3740, 3746, 3770, 3771, 3773, 3776, 3783, 3794, 3832, 3835, 3840, 3902, 3920, 3927, 3964, 3968, 3973, 3983, 3985, 3999, 4015, 4027, 4069, 4094, 4098, 4119, 4131, 4160, 4161, 4179, 4188, 4217, 4247, 4256, 4266, 4364, 4388, 4404, 4415, 4432, 4433, 4466, 4468, 4504, 4507, 4509, 4527, 4577, 4601, 4648, 4672, 4676, 4680, 4688, 4764, 4770, 4820, 4833, 4840, 4847, 4885, 4941, 5004, 5053, 5123, 5136, 5167, 5180, 5203, 5253, 5265, 5274, 5320, 5321, 5335, 5343, 5400, 5402, 5415, 5447, 5482, 5483, 5493, 5531, 5633, 5661, 5668, 5675, 5688, 5695, 5696, 5714, 5717, 5719, 5748, 5754, 5788, 5826, 5833, 5834, 5970, 6006, 6031, 6039, 6062, 6079, 6102, 6141, 6170, 6208, 6250, 6280, 6305, 6326, 6367, 6386, 6399, 6420, 6421, 6468, 6480, 6513, 6524, 6596, 6631, 6644, 6654, 6664, 6682, 6701, 6706, 6728, 6735, 6753, 6802, 6815, 6850, 6859, 6860, 6874, 6875, 6887, 6903, 7016, 7021, 7041, 7068, 7108, 7136, 7138, 7151, 7193, 7250, 7287, 7306, 7315, 7319, 7321, 7322, 7348, 7373, 7416, 7422, 7440, 7456, 7461, 7483, 7538, 7540, 7542, 7551, 7606, 7611, 7618, 7636, 7665, 7717, 7724, 7790, 7805, 7809, 7827, 7828, 7843, 7845, 7851, 7861, 7868, 7908, 7915, 7918, 7925, 7929, 7939, 7958, 7965, 7976, 8005, 8014, 8022, 8042, 8053, 8064, 8067, 8069, 8101, 8147, 8148, 8182, 8187, 8212, 8241, 8254, 8309, 8339, 8394, 8397, 8416, 8436, 8450, 8458, 8467, 8501, 8503, 8508, 8532, 8567, 8604, 8605, 8634, 8648, 8650, 8651, 8652, 8673, 8732, 8756, 8780, 8795, 8828, 8829, 8834, 8856, 8861, 8866, 8868, 8903, 8929, 8955, 8968, 8988, 9012, 9034, 9080, 9082, 9097, 9110, 9178, 9190, 9209, 9234, 9240, 9282, 9312, 9317, 9324, 9333, 9358, 9373, 9381, 9474, 9498, 9512, 9529, 9577, 9584, 9586, 9614, 9648, 9650, 9666, 9678, 9704, 9709, 9715, 9727, 9738, 9764, 9766, 9779, 9788, 9800, 9825, 9840, 9894, 9937, 9950, 9970, 9980, 9996 | ₹200/- |
रैंक | टिकट नंबर | बैसाखी इनाम की राशि |
1 पुरस्कार | 433190 | ₹3 करोड़ |
2 पुरस्कार | 468480 | ₹1 करोड़ |
3 पुरस्कार | 125808, 180911, 216040, 397640, 492289 | ₹1 लाख |
4 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 20171, 27976, 80729, 90141 | ₹20,000/- |
5 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0355, 0634, 2279, 2691, 5808, 7119, 7213, 8518, 9449, 9733 | ₹2,000/- |
6 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0036, 0052, 0060, 0080, 0111, 0117, 0126, 0172, 0199, 0206, 0219, 0255, 0262, 0264, 0311, 0316, 0342, 0369, 0378, 0403, 0411, 0416, 0418, 0430, 0475, 0477, 0488, 0508, 0537, 0568, 0600, 0610, 0652, 0698, 0715, 0898, 0917, 0936, 0944, 0966, 0975, 1002, 1047, 1052, 1082, 1123, 1197, 1217, 1222, 1227, 1228, 1248, 1309, 1312, 1316, 1342, 1347, 1377, 1408, 1462, 1472, 1478, 1519, 1584, 1612, 1661, 1747, 1786, 1801, 1809, 1849, 1891, 1903, 1906, 1912, 1921, 1948, 1956, 1994, 2017, 2090, 2107, 2124, 2149, 2170, 2215, 2222, 2247, 2268, 2269, 2284, 2292, 2303, 2320, 2324, 2326, 2335, 2354, 2400, 2421, 2422, 2473, 2481, 2482, 2484, 2490, 2589, 2619, 2625, 2672, 2678, 2681, 2703, 2704, 2717, 2801, 2850, 2858, 2961, 2993, 3004, 3052, 3089, 3108, 3123, 3165, 3239, 3297, 3309, 3340, 3347, 3356, 3358, 3360, 3366, 3371, 3372, 3389, 3407, 3413, 3424, 3443, 3469, 3495, 3505, 3511, 3515, 3535, 3543, 3647, 3664, 3708, 3724, 3784, 3791, 3997, 4001, 4054, 4074, 4106, 4108, 4125, 4184, 4197, 4229, 4235, 4242, 4300, 4328, 4360, 4382, 4393, 4398, 4410, 4438, 4469, 4497, 4564, 4602, 4646, 4653, 4669, 4671, 4674, 4686, 4687, 4709, 4712, 4716, 4740, 4744, 4773, 4787, 4789, 4807, 4826, 4868, 4872, 4881, 4884, 4894, 4922, 5017, 5034, 5073, 5152, 5185, 5192, 5213, 5231, 5292, 5358, 5385, 5389, 5433, 5458, 5496, 5497, 5503, 5523, 5620, 5648, 5690, 5700, 5710, 5734, 5741, 5747, 5763, 5790, 5810, 5832, 5835, 5840, 5858, 5919, 5942, 5986, 6004, 6010, 6016, 6033, 6043, 6065, 6093, 6130, 6158, 6164, 6218, 6263, 6267, 6332, 6382, 6392, 6430, 6462, 6507, 6532, 6544, 6552, 6589, 6641, 6643, 6653, 6669, 6681, 6698, 6719, 6726, 6769, 6810, 6825, 6829, 6852, 6895, 6903, 6945, 6964, 7034, 7110, 7216, 7232, 7235, 7264, 7274, 7323, 7397, 7449, 7469, 7544, 7549, 7578, 7598, 7642, 7660, 7668, 7680, 7690, 7754, 7815, 7823, 7836, 7861, 7878, 7901, 7909, 7920, 7923, 7942, 7961, 7976, 8026, 8031, 8034, 8043, 8048, 8090, 8101, 8109, 8132, 8145, 8153, 8171, 8184, 8198, 8199, 8232, 8244, 8249, 8260, 8271, 8301, 8304, 8310, 8325, 8343, 8352, 8374, 8414, 8425, 8570, 8618, 8661, 8662, 8678, 8695, 8716, 8725, 8793, 8795, 8818, 8825, 8837, 8943, 9040, 9045, 9064, 9068, 9073, 9089, 9113, 9192, 9202, 9232, 9233, 9245, 9276, 9278, 9285, 9314, 9321, 9324, 9333, 9345, 9377, 9380, 9388, 9461, 9465, 9467, 9507, 9546, 9553, 9559, 9578, 9656, 9662, 9713, 9754, 9786, 9834, 9839, 9854, 9877, 9883, 9922, 9926, 9943, 9953, 9981 | ₹500/- |
- These testimonials often circulate on social media and community forums, further enhancing the lottery's reputation as a life-changing opportunity. 25-03-19
- A Complete Guide to Mastering Rummy Rummy is a well-known card game that has captured the attention of players worldwide with its unique combination of skill, strategy, and a little bit of luck. The game's main objective is to form runs and sets using a standard deck of cards. For example, a run is a series of three or more cards in the same suit, whereas a set is three or four cards of the same rank but different suits. 25-03-19
- It might be necessary to modify your initial strategy as the game goes on and new cards are drawn or discarded. For example, be ready to adjust your strategy if your original goal was a run but you end up with multiple high-value cards that could form a set instead. Because of this flexibility, you can reduce the chance of holding onto cards that won't work and increase your chances of creating melds. 25-03-19
- One of the most important qualities a rummy player can have is the capacity to remain composed under duress. When high stakes situations are not handled appropriately, they can cause anxiety and rash decisions. Your performance and decision-making skills can be greatly improved by learning how to remain composed while playing intensely. Before you play, try using visualization techniques as a way to help you stay calm. Think about how you would react coolly and strategically in each of the following situations that you might encounter during the game: drawing a bad hand, facing an aggressive opponent, or being about to win. By preparing you for real-life situations, this mental practice helps you feel less anxious when they happen. 25-03-19
- Though specific dates may change depending on local laws or noteworthy occasions, the lottery normally operates on a regular schedule with draws taking place multiple times per week. It is crucial for ardent players who want to regularly participate & increase their chances of winning to keep track of future draws. Players should routinely visit the official lottery websites or sign up for newsletters that offer updates on forthcoming events in order to stay up to date on future Lottery Sambad results & draw dates. Social networking sites are also excellent sources of up-to-date information about draws & results announcements. 25-03-19
- In addition to improving your strategic approach, this level of awareness gives the game a psychological warfare component since it allows you to change your opponents' perceptions depending on the data you collect. In rummy, deciding when to drop is an important choice that can have a big effect on your final score and position in the game. Dropping is giving up a round before melding any combinations, usually when you think your hand isn't strong enough to compete with other players. This is a serious decision that needs to be carefully considered in light of the current situation and your hand. 25-03-19
- Assessing your hand's potential for improvement is a crucial consideration when choosing whether to drop. Dropping early might be a better option than risking accruing points from unmelded cards when another player goes out if you have a number of high-value cards that are unlikely to form useful combinations. It could be worthwhile to wait for a different round, on the other hand, if you have a few promising cards but are awaiting certain draws to finish your combinations. In this area of rummy strategy, risk and reward must be balanced. 25-03-19
- On the other hand, you can learn about your opponents' hands by observing what they are taking from the discard pile. Adapting your strategy may be prudent if a player routinely draws cards from the discard pile that are on the verge of forming a run or set. Certain cards that might be able to complete their combinations may be kept in your possession, or you may decide to discard cards that are less likely to aid you while impeding their progress. By strategically using the discard pile, you can limit your opponents' options while opening up opportunities for yourself. Being perceptive is equally as crucial in rummy as paying attention to your own hand. 25-03-19
- One way to keep financial control while still enjoying the thrill of performing is to set a budget before buying tickets. Education regarding responsible gaming is also essential for creating a secure atmosphere for all players. In order to promote responsible gambling practices and offer resources to individuals who might require help, the Nagaland government has put in place a number of initiatives. 25-03-19
- The secret to success is emotional control. A winning mindset requires emotional restraint. You have an advantage over your rivals when you can maintain composure under pressure. By engaging in deep breathing exercises or mindfulness practices, you can develop a state of calm that helps you think clearly and make wise decisions. Boosting enjoyment & gameplay. 25-03-19
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