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दिवाली बंपर लॉटरी के परिणाम

2019 और 2018 के लिए पुराने परिणामों के साथ पंजाब स्टेट दिवाली पूजा बंपर ड्रॉ के 2020 के परिणाम यहाँ हैं। आप सभी जीतने वाले टिकट नंबर, पुरस्कार की रैंक और राशि रुपए में पाएँगे।
दिवाली बंपर लॉटरी हर साल भगवान राम के 14 वर्ष दंडक वन में वनवास काटने के बाद घर लौटने की खुशी में आयोजित की जाती है। इस खुशी को सिलेब्रेट करने का इससे बेहतर मौका और कहाँ मिल सकता है, जहाँ आप 1.5 करोड़ रुपए जीत सकते हैं।
ध्यान दें कि पहले पंजाब स्टेट दिवाली बंपर ड्रॉ को दूसरे पंजाब स्टेट माँ लक्ष्मी दिवाली बंपर लॉटरी के रूप में भी जाना जाता है (पहला मनसा से एक लोक-गायन टैक्सी ड्राइवर नजीर खान ने जीता था, जिन्होंने अपनी जीती हुई राशि को गरीबों में बांटने का ऐलान किया था)।
शीर्ष-स्तरीय परिणाम और पुरस्कार नीचे टेबल में दिए गए हैं।

क्या आप जानते हैं कि आप अपने देश से Powerballऑनलाइन खेल सकते हैं? बस नीचे दिए गए बटन पर क्लिक करें!
2023 के दिवाली बंपर परिणाम
2020 की दिवाली बंपर लॉटरी 18 नवंबर को आयोजित की गई थी, इसके नंबर कैंप कार्यालय, लुधियाना में निकाले गए थे। इस साल जैकपॉट की पुरस्कार पूल COVID-19 महामारी के कारण थोड़ा गिर गया है। दो गारंटीकृत पुरस्कार विजेता थे, जिनमें से प्रत्येक को 1.5 करोड़ रुपए (पिछले साल के 2 x 2.5 करोड़ से कम) प्राप्त हुए थे। साथ ही 10-10 लाख रुपए के पांच द्वितीय पुरस्कार और 2.5 लाख के 20 तृतीय पुरस्कार भी थे। 2020 दिवाली बंपर के प्रत्येक टिकट की कीमत मात्र 250 रुपए थी।
सीरीज़ ए और बी और 000000 से 999999 के बीच के नंबर वाली सीरीज की 20 लाख लॉटरी टिकट खरीदने के लिए उपलब्ध थी।
रैंक | टिकट नंबर | बैसाखी इनाम की राशि |
1 पुरस्कार | A 514622, B 887981, C 761859 | ₹2.5 करोड़ |
2 पुरस्कार | A 614801, A 688025, A 725504, A 884855, B 856403 | ₹10 लाख |
3 पुरस्कार | A 892521, A 975188, B 573964, B 749944, C 797518 | ₹5 लाख |
4 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0577, 2071, 3043, 5761, 5859, 7429, 8934, 9092, 9832, 9957 | ₹9,000/- |
5 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 1530, 1971, 4180, 4762, 5042, 7593, 7762, 8668, 8832, 9407 | ₹5,000/- |
6 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0004, 0034, 0079, 0127, 0129, 0142, 0222, 0234, 0247, 0265, 0266, 0276, 0313, 0581, 0668, 0813, 0817, 0822, 0839, 0904, 0943, 0993, 1076, 1156, 1308, 1335, 1405, 1427, 1550, 1574, 1718, 1753, 1754, 1906, 1963, 1999, 2046, 2137, 2153, 2172, 2178, 2205, 2210, 2301, 2374, 2447, 2568, 2720, 2862, 2879, 2927, 2990, 3022, 3049, 3137, 3224, 3280, 3305, 3330, 3368, 3375, 3459, 3475, 3530, 3601, 3831, 3991, 4055, 4088, 4115, 4307, 4310, 4351, 4362, 4506, 4532, 4586, 4600, 4607, 4619, 4630, 4641, 4740, 4748, 4777, 4829, 4868, 4952, 5187, 5246, 5285, 5310, 5311, 5364, 5388, 5522, 5633, 5679, 5692, 5704, 5720, 5723, 5765, 5771, 5912, 5936, 5943, 5953, 6085, 6094, 6156, 6225, 6228, 6245, 6251, 6337, 6367, 6373, 6385, 6402, 6590, 6606, 6619, 6754, 6779, 6785, 6810, 6853, 6884, 6928, 6939, 6992, 7089, 7103, 7115, 7179, 7199, 7314, 7354, 7410, 7453, 7456, 7477, 7586, 7592, 7618, 7639, 7749, 7756, 7788, 7834, 7968, 7998, 8041, 8051, 8284, 8295, 8306, 8380, 8424, 8452, 8457, 8498, 8576, 8589, 8640, 8710, 8740, 8831, 8847, 8924, 8933, 8935, 8940, 8959, 8993, 9040, 9060, 9147, 9317, 9329, 9331, 9368, 9388, 9397, 9466, 9508, 9532, 9552, 9595, 9640, 9706, 9761, 9805, 9839, 9863, 9899, 9938, 9958, 9982 | ₹2,000/- |
रैंक | टिकट नंबर | बैसाखी इनाम की राशि |
1 पुरस्कार | A 278471 | ₹2.5 करोड़ |
2 पुरस्कार | 117603, 126728, 172473, 179526, 180613, 299451, 474911, 500993, 529428, 533892 | ₹10 लाख |
3 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 111416, 121815, 138072, 230892, 470454, 508419, 509240, 545608, 562626, 563261 | ₹5 लाख |
4 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0240, 0847, 1171, 3205, 3359, 6223, 6445, 8768, 9490, 9821 | ₹9,000/- |
5 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 1819, 2486, 2909, 2929, 5304, 5634, 6506, 7345, 8680, 8904 | ₹5,000/- |
6 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0028, 0052, 0066, 0139, 0144, 0151, 0220, 0221, 0291, 0296, 0341, 0381, 0517, 0594, 0611, 0613, 0628, 0668, 0729, 0810, 0835, 0840, 0873, 0905, 0906, 0950, 0961, 1063, 1119, 1189, 1265, 1419, 1447, 1490, 1524, 1547, 1562, 1642, 1663, 1686, 1693, 1694, 1708, 1857, 1922, 1939, 1958, 2016, 2029, 2058, 2714, 2736, 2766, 2793, 2823, 2875, 2943, 2960, 2984, 3055, 3126, 3131, 3184, 3273, 3290, 3330, 3339, 3440, 3469, 3487, 3502, 3533, 3638, 3643, 3694, 3707, 3708, 3721, 3782, 3808, 3974, 4004, 4038, 4040, 4101, 4172, 4173, 4191, 4245, 4246, 4329, 4341, 4424, 4505, 4693, 4696, 4822, 5131, 5151, 5217, 5441, 5595, 5656, 5702, 5738, 5750, 5930, 5958, 5969, 6077, 6216, 6259, 6353, 6394, 6555, 6566, 6596, 6599, 6636, 6649, 6653, 6694, 6828, 6955, 6974, 6975, 6992, 7017, 7110, 7116, 7189, 7220, 7288, 7313, 7331, 7381, 7430, 7456, 7460, 7647, 7719, 7764, 7765, 7869, 7888, 7900, 7910, 7930, 8179, 8194, 8241, 8282, 8313, 8327, 8437, 8493, 8512, 8529, 8554, 8577, 8603, 8645, 8730, 8856, 8876, 8895, 8915, 8919, 8953, 8972, 9039, 9040, 9051, 9144, 9289, 9389, 9421, 9500, 9519, 9531, 9588, 9602, 9627, 9759, 9780, 9822, 9890, 9901, 9913, 9999 | ₹2,000/- |
रैंक | टिकट नंबर | बैसाखी इनाम की राशि |
1 पुरस्कार | A 689984, B 997538 | ₹2 करोड़ |
2 पुरस्कार | A 875367 | ₹1 करोड़ |
3 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 1237, 1300, 2002, 2633, 3006, 3180, 5425, 6516, 9478, 9606 | ₹9,000/- |
4 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0276, 3023, 3769, 7771, 7881, 8899, 8984, 9650, 9677, 9736 | ₹7,000/- |
5 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0580, 1456, 2231, 2441, 2449, 2985, 3316, 3379, 3856, 4111, 4694, 5283, 7133, 8178, 8301, 8312, 8683, 9030, 9707, 9763 | ₹5,000/- |
6 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0032, 0046, 0054, 0095, 0158, 0175, 0218, 0225, 0234, 0287, 0320, 0391, 0433, 0465, 0477, 0558, 0578, 0825, 0840, 0867, 0915, 1026, 1043, 1047, 1090, 1099, 1149, 1207, 1243, 1249, 1446, 1475, 1512, 1565, 1585, 1597, 1612, 1661, 1698, 1726, 1775, 1830, 1835, 1836, 1851, 1878, 2323, 2357, 2594, 2798, 2826, 2837, 2996, 3008, 3035, 3044, 3147, 3209, 3220, 3280, 3281, 3298, 3328, 3340, 3499, 3525, 3557, 3657, 3821, 3838, 3862, 3906, 3924, 3979, 4048, 4067, 4090, 4126, 4139, 4161, 4235, 4243, 4263, 4269, 4298, 4327, 4361, 4443, 4541, 4802, 4805, 4853, 4897, 4951, 4989, 5034, 5207, 5209, 5212, 5224, 5226, 5296, 5363, 5400, 5510, 5626, 5690, 5715, 5854, 5869, 5912, 6019, 6033, 6067, 6075, 6081, 6185, 6236, 6265, 6304, 6311, 6336, 6361, 6421, 6456, 6534, 6722, 6787, 6821, 6858, 6881, 6965, 7078, 7091, 7197, 7213, 7230, 7258, 7269, 7298, 7305, 7319, 7362, 7418, 7554, 7562, 7638, 7646, 7726, 7761, 7796, 7819, 7821, 7825, 7848, 7934, 8004, 8048, 8056, 8218, 8290, 8294, 8325, 8352, 8398, 8464, 8468, 8539, 8544, 8579, 8610, 8662, 8685, 8689, 8693, 8726, 8962, 8979, 8981, 9035, 9047, 9181, 9205, 9239, 9360, 9385, 9481, 9491, 9492, 9574, 9583, 9598, 9601, 9617, 9643, 9878, 9903, 9958, 9968, 9973 | ₹3,000/- |
रैंक | टिकट नंबर | बैसाखी इनाम की राशि |
1 पुरस्कार | A 844290, B 109814 | ₹1.5 करोड़ |
2 पुरस्कार | B 149084, B 223841, B 594561, B 745563, B 943419 | ₹10 लाख |
3 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 002751, 014941, 323307, 397746, 564046, 789974, 813753, 857513, 864606, 916460 | ₹2.5 लाख |
4 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 009068, 028757, 084712, 138124, 380691, 830219, 882117, 914558, 960219, 981257 | ₹50,000/- |
5 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 96493 | ₹20,000/- |
6 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 12001, 12803, 19692, 27614, 30056, 32114, 36459, 38536, 39981, 45178, 49389, 53120, 65113, 65325, 70554, 74296, 75409, 85621, 91755, 95918 | ₹5,000/- |
7 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0300, 0988, 1136, 1162, 1370, 1555, 2604, 2684, 3200, 3880, 4255, 4351, 4378, 5016, 5033, 5107, 5511, 6518, 7677, 8275, 8575, 9548 | ₹1,000/- |
8 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0061, 0080, 0088, 0122, 0135, 0151, 0163, 0193, 0227, 0260, 0274, 0304, 0319, 0328, 0352, 0362, 0404, 0418, 0419, 0458, 0463, 0502, 0587, 0593, 0615, 0639, 0671, 0701, 0703, 0710, 0748, 0777, 0805, 0817, 0840, 0857, 0893, 0938, 0980, 1001, 1029, 1052, 1086, 1099, 1156, 1165, 1200, 1239, 1244, 1252, 1305, 1310, 1385, 1418, 1455, 1501, 1511, 1554, 1571, 1593, 1602, 1612, 1668, 1676, 1693, 1713, 1716, 1726, 1739, 1763, 1764, 1768, 1778, 1805, 1806, 1854, 1856, 1870, 1887, 1897, 1913, 1949, 1977, 1989, 2004, 2077, 2083, 2085, 2090, 2108, 2183, 2264, 2324, 2330, 2385, 2412, 2440, 2444, 2449, 2459, 2470, 2485, 2503, 2534, 2546, 2572, 2576, 2602, 2606, 2618, 2634, 2651, 2662, 2688, 2708, 2734, 2753, 2791, 2800, 2807, 2822, 2826, 2882, 2897, 2939, 2948, 2990, 3056, 3059, 3100, 3142, 3154, 3173, 3184, 3191, 3241, 3244, 3263, 3268, 3272, 3279, 3323, 3344, 3364, 3377, 3410, 3412, 3454, 3495, 3497, 3528, 3531, 3563, 3567, 3605, 3622, 3629, 3631, 3639, 3643, 3650, 3655, 3681, 3698, 3746, 3786, 3787, 3833, 3839, 3907, 3910, 3951, 3978, 4040, 4053, 4058, 4062, 4085, 4086, 4099, 4112, 4119, 4154, 4180, 4181, 4189, 4192, 4245, 4250, 4337, 4389, 4408, 4450, 4469, 4472, 4488, 4496, 4501, 4510, 4518, 4563, 4600, 4623, 4644, 4677, 4710, 4717, 4718, 4722, 4726, 4727, 4776, 4782, 4786, 4797, 4808, 4812, 4817, 4840, 4854, 4874, 4876, 4909, 4947, 4960, 5008, 5023, 5033, 5060, 5074, 5088, 5108, 5164, 5175, 5182, 5183, 5193, 5200, 5255, 5264, 5335, 5371, 5386, 5401, 5436, 5478, 5488, 5504, 5508, 5510, 5522, 5525, 5567, 5577, 5610, 5627, 5650, 5651, 5662, 5680, 5684, 5689, 5719, 5723, 5734, 5747, 5754, 5761, 5776, 5782, 5818, 5837, 5841, 5858, 5875, 5893, 5929, 5977, 6069, 6082, 6130, 6151, 6165, 6171, 6184, 6194, 6196, 6216, 6229, 6250, 6252, 6277, 6295, 6343, 6362, 6374, 6406, 6413, 6417, 6452, 6457, 6461, 6495, 6499, 6530, 6566, 6576, 6578, 6598, 6606, 6652, 6654, 6685, 6693, 6694, 6698, 6713, 6764, 6791, 6817, 6858, 6900, 6916, 6924, 6979, 7043, 7049, 7093, 7099, 7166, 7173, 7222, 7283, 7307, 7315, 7319, 7321, 7325, 7383, 7397, 7401, 7406, 7412, 7433, 7462, 7471, 7495, 7507, 7508, 7522, 7537, 7539, 7552, 7554, 7577, 7582, 7610, 7648, 7653, 7672, 7708, 7709, 7729, 7733, 7735, 7773, 7781, 7785, 7795, 7803, 7832, 7839, 7847, 7858, 7859, 7864, 7870, 7894, 7899, 7900, 7914, 7929, 7940, 7962, 7980, 7982, 8010, 8016, 8020, 8021, 8037, 8039, 8040, 8069, 8076, 8114, 8121, 8169, 8198, 8220, 8288, 8314, 8316, 8359, 8379, 8383, 8405, 8437, 8441, 8460, 8465, 8540, 8549, 8557, 8564, 8578, 8630, 8637, 8654, 8658, 8673, 8697, 8769, 8778, 8787, 8824, 8862, 8866, 8882, 8910, 8947, 8954, 8960, 8968, 8982, 9028, 9038, 9039, 9047, 9066, 9090, 9101, 9104, 9112, 9150, 9173, 9176, 9186, 9193, 9194, 9211, 9227, 9259, 9266, 9267, 9276, 9280, 9290, 9305, 9325, 9327, 9336, 9346, 9350, 9372, 9378, 9387, 9398, 9399, 9412, 9428, 9446, 9451, 9456, 9464, 9482, 9487, 9537, 9551, 9635, 9653, 9655, 9668, 9682, 9707, 9729, 9735, 9736, 9758, 9778, 9779, 9795, 9798, 9821, 9860, 9879, 9885, 9914, 9968, 9969 | ₹250/- |
2019 का दिवाली बंपर लॉटरी ड्रॉ 1 नवंबर को आयोजित हुआ था। 2019 में प्राइज पूल को बढ़ाकर 5 करोड़ रुपए किया गया था, जिसमें दो गारंटीकृत पुरस्कार विजेताओं में से प्रत्येक को 2.5 करोड़ रुपए मिले थे। 20-20 लाख रुपए के 10 द्वितीय पुरस्कार और 10-10 लाख रुपए के 10 तृतीय पुरस्कार थे।
A-411577 टिकट वाले पेंटर संजीव कुमार पहले विजेता बने, वह हिमाचल प्रदेश के चुरुडू में रहते थे। उन्होंने बच्चे का मेडिकल चेक-अप करवाकर लौटते समय लॉटरी टिकट खरीदी थी। कुमार ने कहा कि वह कुछ राशि अपना व्यवसाय शुरू करने और अपने बच्चे का भविष्य सुरक्षित करने में लगाएंगे। पूरी कहानी यहाँ पढ़ें।
रैंक | टिकट नंबर | बैसाखी इनाम की राशि |
1 पुरस्कार | A 411577, B 315020 | ₹2.5 करोड़ |
2 पुरस्कार | A 015810, A 033304, A 057919, A 111864, A 782974, B 208877, B 327848, B 335522, B 561183, B 584826 | ₹20 लाख |
3 पुरस्कार | A 073447, A 176985, A 214927, A 700350, A 734606, B 158537, B 438453, B 731463, B 879583, B 954359 | ₹10 लाख |
4 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 052986, 107913, 118185, 255396, 442724, 549096, 781324, 800630, 817389, 825088 | ₹2 लाख |
5 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 020174, 080531, 091416, 187795, 335337, 338799, 384965, 484311, 595380, 636555, 653113, 684838, 720308, 769202, 804013, 817867, 917885, 923341, 971091, 986221 | ₹1 लाख |
6 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 023948, 037705, 096203, 196343, 250199, 282963, 351411, 357665, 362534, 373548, 398517, 454597, 511185, 620283, 626548, 685480, 780802, 823085, 943779, 977644 | ₹50,000/- |
7 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0708, 2243, 2284, 2455, 3374, 3457, 3549, 3695, 4534, 5135, 5151, 5390, 5419, 5655, 6317, 7089, 8203, 8370, 9507, 9880 | ₹5,000/- |
8 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 0012, 0066, 0090, 0109, 0118, 0128, 0154, 0166, 0179, 0181, 0188, 0202, 0210, 0212, 0213, 0220, 0221, 0254, 0272, 0297, 0303, 0310, 0324, 0327, 0346, 0361, 0375, 0376, 0380, 0391, 0418, 0433, 0438, 0442, 0452, 0455, 0465, 0468, 0470, 0515, 0526, 0529, 0534, 0536, 0543, 0557, 0575, 0587, 0597, 0609, 0613, 0614, 0633, 0635, 0650, 0660, 0680, 0686, 0703, 0713, 0738, 0747, 0749, 0754, 0777, 0778, 0779, 0781, 0804, 0806, 0823, 0830, 0833, 0844, 0845, 0850, 0852, 0862, 0869, 0872, 0905, 0906, 0915, 0930, 0958, 0965, 0976, 0981, 0991, 1006, 1007, 1010, 1016, 1033, 1034, 1043, 1055, 1066, 1090, 1100, 1108, 1136, 1146, 1168, 1170, 1182, 1183, 1190, 1238, 1240, 1241, 1245, 1295, 1306, 1310, 1312, 1315, 1324, 1360, 1361, 1372, 1374, 1384, 1392, 1403, 1416, 1427, 1440, 1445, 1479, 1482, 1504, 1518, 1522, 1527, 1528, 1548, 1553, 1570, 1579, 1590, 1607, 1608, 1610, 1627, 1638, 1641, 1669, 1683, 1690, 1699, 1707, 1717, 1730, 1736, 1737, 1751, 1754, 1784, 1798, 1805, 1806, 1812, 1814, 1829, 1866, 1888, 1891, 1911, 1926, 1931, 1943, 1964, 1974, 1988, 1990, 2006, 2014, 2021, 2034, 2047, 2055, 2058, 2064, 2072, 2095, 2116, 2123, 2142, 2147, 2149, 2157, 2164, 2165, 2178, 2180, 2184, 2185, 2202, 2206, 2208, 2212, 2224, 2235, 2236, 2244, 2251, 2252, 2294, 2305, 2314, 2317, 2332, 2354, 2362, 2364, 2369, 2409, 2411, 2462, 2466, 2467, 2471, 2473, 2544, 2553, 2559, 2572, 2579, 2581, 2595, 2601, 2606, 2608, 2614, 2622, 2623, 2637, 2642, 2648, 2652, 2658, 2669, 2722, 2727, 2748, 2751, 2755, 2757, 2768, 2790, 2791, 2796, 2802, 2803, 2829, 2838, 2843, 2845, 2858, 2860, 2868, 2883, 2884, 2898, 2899, 2930, 2935, 2941, 2960, 2989, 2997, 3001, 3010, 3012, 3019, 3049, 3055, 3058, 3063, 3065, 3081, 3083, 3088, 3096, 3100, 3101, 3102, 3114, 3140, 3141, 3155, 3161, 3182, 3198, 3213, 3235, 3244, 3253, 3263, 3276, 3282, 3285, 3299, 3311, 3328, 3341, 3348, 3353, 3354, 3357, 3358, 3365, 3372, 3391, 3405, 3421, 3424, 3441, 3448, 3460, 3461, 3475, 3480, 3483, 3501, 3544, 3567, 3570, 3574, 3578, 3592, 3595, 3596, 3597, 3598, 3619, 3625, 3632, 3641, 3691, 3698, 3700, 3711, 3712, 3726, 3735, 3751, 3752, 3754, 3764, 3800, 3812, 3815, 3825, 3828, 3834, 3841, 3851, 3858, 3860, 3873, 3878, 3883, 3887, 3891, 3892, 3894, 3910, 3914, 3916, 3918, 3921, 3924, 3925, 3937, 3951, 3981, 3984, 4007, 4040, 4043, 4058, 4084, 4092, 4108, 4117, 4143, 4151, 4190, 4196, 4203, 4207, 4210, 4212, 4216, 4238, 4249, 4269, 4270, 4272, 4275, 4281, 4282, 4289, 4290, 4302, 4304, 4306, 4313, 4353, 4354, 4362, 4363, 4367, 4377, 4401, 4412, 4423, 4438, 4443, 4447, 4459, 4477, 4478, 4508, 4531, 4534, 4542, 4544, 4552, 4558, 4603, 4606, 4611, 4618, 4624, 4625, 4633, 4635, 4648, 4656, 4658, 4684, 4687, 4689, 4722, 4726, 4747, 4764, 4773, 4786, 4800, 4808, 4810, 4811, 4846, 4857, 4861, 4903, 4910, 4913, 4925, 4929, 4952, 4953, 4970, 4982, 4986, 4994, 5012, 5022, 5066, 5067, 5071, 5105, 5112, 5116, 5119, 5124, 5128, 5131, 5136, 5149, 5152, 5174, 5187, 5200, 5208, 5220, 5227, 5229, 5230, 5243, 5252, 5255, 5262, 5266, 5275, 5295, 5313, 5354, 5357, 5359, 5360, 5363, 5368, 5371, 5374, 5384, 5398, 5404, 5415, 5435, 5457, 5463, 5466, 5470, 5474, 5485, 5494, 5495, 5509, 5528, 5544, 5559, 5568, 5572, 5574, 5575, 5576, 5582, 5586, 5608, 5615, 5628, 5637, 5642, 5646, 5662, 5680, 5692, 5718, 5725, 5726, 5732, 5742, 5747, 5751, 5752, 5757, 5773, 5774, 5820, 5830, 5838, 5844, 5845, 5866, 5892, 5908, 5971, 5985, 6000, 6002, 6003, 6010, 6038, 6040, 6047, 6069, 6070, 6079, 6096, 6097, 6099, 6134, 6167, 6180, 6203, 6207, 6218, 6233, 6240, 6244, 6279, 6281, 6292, 6320, 6334, 6340, 6341, 6373, 6374, 6377, 6387, 6398, 6399, 6403, 6408, 6414, 6418, 6424, 6425, 6428, 6435, 6451, 6452, 6455, 6460, 6464, 6468, 6473, 6497, 6503, 6520, 6522, 6529, 6536, 6542, 6543, 6554, 6563, 6566, 6584, 6587, 6592, 6597, 6607, 6629, 6630, 6638, 6643, 6645, 6648, 6658, 6660, 6670, 6681, 6682, 6693, 6694, 6700, 6701, 6709, 6710, 6711, 6717, 6719, 6735, 6737, 6742, 6745, 6754, 6758, 6760, 6769, 6777, 6787, 6805, 6811, 6814, 6817, 6818, 6826, 6849, 6855, 6860, 6884, 6888, 6891, 6893, 6924, 6929, 6949, 6953, 6961, 6962, 6966, 6972, 6982, 7010, 7014, 7030, 7039, 7066, 7092, 7096, 7099, 7125, 7131, 7132, 7134, 7142, 7145, 7148, 7173, 7180, 7192, 7213, 7242, 7248, 7249, 7251, 7254, 7286, 7293, 7310, 7318, 7331, 7332, 7335, 7339, 7340, 7343, 7346, 7354, 7380, 7390, 7393, 7401, 7404, 7411, 7420, 7470, 7488, 7498, 7500, 7503, 7510, 7516, 7527, 7529, 7588, 7593, 7606, 7607, 7610, 7611, 7644, 7645, 7657, 7673, 7688, 7701, 7712, 7717, 7722, 7731, 7732, 7741, 7750, 7763, 7774, 7777, 7788, 7793, 7799, 7807, 7857, 7883, 7903, 7911, 7915, 7923, 7933, 7940, 7956, 7957, 8003, 8016, 8028, 8030, 8031, 8033, 8036, 8054, 8057, 8068, 8079, 8099, 8102, 8107, 8117, 8126, 8141, 8145, 8159, 8175, 8198, 8214, 8218, 8241, 8272, 8275, 8286, 8300, 8301, 8312, 8338, 8356, 8421, 8422, 8432, 8433, 8440, 8450, 8459, 8469, 8474, 8482, 8493, 8497, 8508, 8512, 8515, 8528, 8542, 8544, 8564, 8584, 8590, 8604, 8606, 8617, 8644, 8646, 8648, 8653, 8676, 8678, 8697, 8709, 8712, 8717, 8722, 8723, 8724, 8730, 8734, 8746, 8759, 8779, 8782, 8788, 8806, 8808, 8810, 8816, 8818, 8828, 8830, 8833, 8838, 8846, 8848, 8852, 8854, 8858, 8859, 8873, 8874, 8904, 8911, 8914, 8920, 8950, 8973, 8978, 8998, 9000, 9004, 9006, 9019, 9030, 9038, 9040, 9042, 9050, 9059, 9063, 9064, 9075, 9079, 9092, 9097, 9099, 9108, 9120, 9122, 9127, 9132, 9138, 9139, 9153, 9158, 9159, 9167, 9169, 9170, 9185, 9197, 9207, 9210, 9228, 9232, 9240, 9244, 9269, 9304, 9305, 9308, 9309, 9321, 9322, 9341, 9343, 9350, 9355, 9363, 9365, 9382, 9388, 9389, 9394, 9399, 9409, 9414, 9419, 9422, 9428, 9436, 9446, 9456, 9463, 9473, 9475, 9490, 9493, 9511, 9517, 9521, 9524, 9529, 9535, 9545, 9550, 9554, 9557, 9561, 9576, 9594, 9597, 9599, 9608, 9625, 9634, 9638, 9643, 9648, 9664, 9678, 9716, 9719, 9722, 9724, 9725, 9726, 9743, 9744, 9756, 9763, 9769, 9774, 9786, 9794, 9799, 9806, 9818, 9826, 9827, 9837, 9838, 9853, 9859, 9872, 9873, 9901, 9909, 9913, 9927, 9929, 9930, 9941, 9955, 9958, 9960, 9974, 9981, 9999 | ₹500/- |
इस दिवाली बंपर लॉटरी का 2018 का ड्रॉ 14.11.2018 को कैंप कार्यालय, लुधियाना में निकाला गया था, यह पंजाब राज्य के सभी बंपर ड्रॉ की तरह ही था।
शीर्ष पुरस्कार के विजेता मोहम लाल थे, जो गुरदासपुर जिले के एक छोटे से गाँव चूहर चक में रहते हैं, जिन्होंने दो 1.5 करोड़ रुपए के पुरस्कारों में से एक जीता था। दूसरा बठिंडा की गुलाबगढ़ निवासी हरदीप कौर ने जीता था। मोहम एक मैन्युफैक्चरिंग शॉप पर काम करते हैं जबकि हरदीप के पति होम गार्ड में हैं।
रैंक | टिकट नंबर | बैसाखी इनाम की राशि |
1 पुरस्कार | B 936134, A 034493 | ₹1.5 करोड़ |
2 पुरस्कार | B 621846, B 894477, B 735467, B 327770, A 793031 | ₹10 लाख |
3 पुरस्कार | B 797065, B 414261, A 229942, A 438445, A 440489, B 884960, A 735416, A 766713, B 532591, A 313371, B 110764, A 193834, B 132723, B 202660, B 123088, B 934196, B 323589, A 343996, A 336486, A 594292 | ₹2.5 लाख |
4 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 400400, 180057, 184252, 718995, 170944, 486834, 305400, 759385, 517352, 313468 | ₹1 लाख |
5 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 172762, 658308, 966993, 818085, 973489, 939561, 864703, 471797, 102072, 302025, 584576, 595815, 918217, 191836, 162739, 583943, 894239, 694455, 414386, 948272 | ₹50,000/- |
6 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 964271, 760148, 464474, 149791, 894380, 504220, 553589, 895416, 081204, 435456, 150784, 807119, 352706, 385541, 142359, 288293, 147460, 938110, 583709, 247036 | ₹20,000/- |
7 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 55428, 64143, 35212, 16490, 63528, 31549, 63005, 58114, 17824, 31891, 52905, 38931, 20321, 96075, 65893, 11567, 28633, 80429, 94331, 16710, 27579, 80353, 61487, 47383, 88066, 38847, 25737, 27122, 27195, 93939, 61041, 73740, 09776, 25246, 21979, 51129, 17827, 96489, 80050, 28550, 91042, 54122, 88719, 11888, 40449, 93511, 10277, 07498, 28419, 99418 | ₹5,000/- |
8 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 9838, 6804, 5757, 3810, 5673, 7005, 5602, 2810, 7283, 3130, 2567, 9067, 6032, 7882, 2383, 3581, 1856, 7364, 3139, 8974 | ₹1,000/- |
9 पुरस्कार | के साथ समाप्त: 5026, 1292, 7063, 5160, 2189, 0230, 6128, 3792, 9214, 3040, 6186, 8212, 7318, 0574, 2425, 5363, 9340, 3119, 6341, 7474, 0757, 2561, 5503, 9458, 3302, 6443, 0928, 2606, 5609, 9588, 3370, 6600, 1883, 4792, 2703, 5715, 9713, 3497, 6730, 2055, 4924, 9073, 2815, 5901, 2130, 2156, 0104, 6043, 3718, 9185, 8120, 2955, 1354, 2271, 5275, 9239, 3062, 6194, 1503, 4205, 8404, 2474, 5426, 3167, 6355, 1660, 4462, 8557, 2569, 5524, 7603, 1800, 4586, 8730, 2650, 5625, 7685, 1038, 1898, 4800, 8963, 2738, 5784, 7840, 1167, 9976, 2114, 5018, 5998, 2862, 1316, 7100, 5165, 2209, 0353, 6141, 3846, 9222, 1389, 3982, 3055, 6192, 8284, 7342, 0660, 2466, 5397, 9357, 3154, 6345, 8508, 7486, 0771, 2568, 5515, 9495, 3334, 6486, 7670, 0959, 2621, 5612, 9592, 3406, 6627, 1068, 2723, 5768, 9833, 3602, 6772, 2106, 5017, 0018, 0051, 6032, 3686, 9169, 8105, 2935, 1340, 7228, 5263, 1403, 4012, 8293, 2421, 5359, 7368, 0662, 1599, 4332, 8532, 2550, 5495, 7521, 0776, 9499, 1754, 4550, 8632, 2582, 5585, 7674, 0963, 9596, 1858, 4715, 3414, 6635, 8936, 7758, 1073, 9849, 2039, 4919, 3608, 6787, 9069, 7958, 1255, 2153, 0053, 6039, 3688, 9176, 8117, 2939, 1350, 7249, 3045, 6189, 1443, 4083, 8345, 2431, 5377, 7412, 1611, 4376, 8542, 2565, 5509, 7574, 0834, 1759, 4565, 8678, 2611, 5611, 7683, 1010, 9648, 1894, 4797, 8946, 2706, 5761, 7800, 1141, 9890, 2074, 4970, 3636, 6902, 9107, 2826, 5036, 2164, 0150, 6044, 3744, 9191, 8122, 2994, 0485, 2378, 5308, 9315, 3076, 6211, 1575, 4273, 2514, 5438, 9381, 3197, 6377, 1693, 4497, 8572, 2577, 5536, 3348, 6538, 1815, 4625, 8815, 2662, 5635, 7704, 1948, 4834, 9041, 2759, 5865, 7885, 1200, 3665, 7041, 5059, 2167, 0180, 6070, 3779, 9209, 8198, 7262, 0504, 2415, 5353, 9327, 3099, 6324, 0678, 2544, 5479, 9386, 3214, 6408, 1749, 4516, 2581, 5539, 9577, 3365, 6563, 1837, 4692, 8833, 2700, 5707, 3454, 6714, 2002, 4905, 9046, 2767, 5873, 7956, 6918, 7969, 2864, 1317, 7116, 5201, 2211, 0428, 6180, 0456, 9282, 1430, 4082, 3072, 6202, 8325, 7377, 0668, 9360, 1607, 4373, 3169, 6371, 8537, 7536, 0790, 2571, 5532, 9565, 3338, 6533, 8633, 7675, 0972, 2653, 5628, 9618, 3451, 6636, 7764, 1129, 2742, 5792, 9880, 3611, 6883, 7961, 9152, 8042, 2922, 1324, 7119, 5214, 2255, 0436, 7256, 0503, 9323, 1446, 4198, 3088, 6240, 8360, 7441, 0670, 9383, 1629, 4433, 3203, 6378, 8553, 7601, 0837, 9568, 1794, 4566, 3354, 6557, 8707, 7684, 1011, 2697, 5641, 9658, 3452, 6705, 8958, 7820, 1144, 2763, 5870, 9922, 3651, 6903, 3674, 9156, 8079, 2927, 1331, 7162, 5216, 2270, 8205, 2330, 5288, 7311, 0515, 9328, 1571, 4244, 3115, 6335, 8433, 7462, 0704, 9410, 1687, 4491, 3289, 6409, 8564, 7634, 0925, 9587, 1807, 4596, 3367, 6593, 8774, 7701, 1046, 9681, 1937, 4824, 3477, 6715, 8978, 7858, 1196, 2802, 5882, 9991, 6002, 3675, 9160, 8102, 2929, 1337, 7208, 5220, 1358, 3914, 8275, 2413, 5336, 7319, 0648, 9347, 1578, 4296, 8440, 2531, 5458, 7476, 0762, 9480, 1695, 4502, 3333, 6482, 8617, 7648, 0952, 9590, 1835, 4680, 3378, 6615, 8831, 7740, 1063, 9722, 1984, 4897, 3514, 6738, 9045, 7911, 1211, 9994 | TBC |
- Many grandmasters take part in forums or go to gaming conventions in order to exchange ideas & gain knowledge from the experiences of others. Players are inspired to persevere through challenging times by this sense of community, which cultivates resilience. Honoring the Grandmaster's Success When a grandmaster reaches a noteworthy turning point in their career in slots, it is important to celebrate, not only for the individual but also for the entire community that has helped them along the way. 25-03-19
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- When looking for a rewarding and engaging rummy app for iOS, KhelPlay Rummy is a great option due to its safe & equitable gameplay. High-quality graphics and seamless navigation combine to make Rummy Passion an excellent option for iOS users looking for a seamless gaming experience. Along with practice modes to help novices hone their skills, the app offers multiplayer functionality that allows users to play in real-time against players worldwide. In order to enhance the gaming experience, Rummy Passion also regularly offers bonuses & promotions to both new and returning players. For iOS users searching for a fun rummy app, Rummy Passion is a great option due to its dependable and safe platform. 25-03-19
- Ace2Three is also well known for its multiplayer features, which let users play in real-time competition against actual opponents. To infuse a competitive element into the gameplay, the app provides a range of multiplayer tournaments with substantial prizes & leaderboards. For fans of rummy, Ace2Three offers an engaging multiplayer gaming experience with its colorful graphics & changeable themes. There are numerous excellent rummy apps that provide practice modes & tutorials for those who are new to the game & want to improve their skills. 25-03-19
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- With the availability of a digital platform on mobile devices, rummy apps have completely changed the way people play this age-old card game. To accommodate a wide range of player preferences, these applications offer multiple variations of rummy, such as Indian rummy, gin rummy, & traditional rummy. Rummy apps have become increasingly popular among card game enthusiasts due to their convenience of play, which can be done anytime & anywhere. Usually, these apps have features like tutorials for novices, multiplayer options for playing against real players worldwide, & single-player modes against AI opponents. In order to improve gameplay & encourage competitiveness, several rummy apps also feature practice modes, daily challenges, tournaments, and leaderboards. 25-03-19
- In terms of entertaining rummy apps for Android users, Junglee Rummy stands out due to its safe and equitable gameplay. Ace2Three is another notable rummy app for Android. It is distinguished by its colorful graphics & changeable themes that improve the game's visual appeal. The app features leaderboards for you to compete with other players and a variety of rummy tournaments with substantial cash prizes. In order to guarantee that its users have a seamless and trouble-free gaming experience, Ace2Three also offers 24/7 customer support to handle any problems or questions. 25-03-19
- Also, for individuals who relish the excitement of engaging in real-time competition with other actual players, multiplayer functionality is imperative. To guarantee an easy and fun gaming experience, look for apps that provide smooth multiplayer gameplay with matchmaking features. An excellent rummy app should also have an easy-to-use interface with simple controls and seamless navigation. 25-03-19
- The Lottery Sambad has captivated the imaginations of millions of people who hope to become extremely wealthy overnight, and it has grown to be an important part of India's cultural fabric. The excitement that surrounds this event must be acknowledged as we examine the results for October 27, 2024. Not only is each draw a game of chance, but it also symbolizes aspiration, hope, and the potential for a life change. The Lottery Sambad is more than just a collection of numbers; it represents the aspirations of innumerable people who stake their hopes on winning. 25-03-19
- Rummy apps typically have an intuitive & eye-catching user interface with graphics that replicate the feel of playing with real cards. Some apps come with extra features like social media integration, customizable avatars, and in-game chat. There are many different rummy apps available for iOS & Android users, each with special features and gameplay mechanics. Players ought to take into account aspects like game diversity, user interface, multiplayer capabilities, and security protocols to safeguard sensitive data when selecting a rummy application. Rummy apps are expected to include more sophisticated features as the digital gaming market develops, possibly such as enhanced AI opponents or augmented reality components, which will improve players' experiences playing digital rummy across the globe. 25-03-19
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